Real Estate Investments
Mogope invests in Real Estate through dedicated investment vehicles that target specific segments of the market. Each investment vehicle will have a specific niche investment strategy that will differentiate it from existing large scale funds. In some of these companies Mogope plays a significant role through its participation on the board of directors.

Interpress is a specialist real estate company focusing on the small and medium office market in central Lisbon. It's main assets are in the historical neighbourhood of Bairro Alto, where it owns and manages several buildings targetting the tech and creative industries.
U.hub is one of the leading student residence developers in Portugal, with a portfolio of over 2000 rooms in operation or under construction and development. With residences in Lisbon in Porto U.hub aims to be the market leader in Portugal.

ReVentures is a property development company that develops, builds and operates real estate assets. ReVentures is currently focused on the alternative real estate market, where it believes it can add value through its hands-on approach and operational expertise. Starting with senior independent living, ReVentures is always looking for new investment opportunities.